
Judy Taylor

Today we have to bring you some sad news. James' long time partner Judy Taylor (Bozanich) passed away this morning. Although she had been ill with a compromised immune system and multiple health problems for many years, this was still a shock to us.

We still don't have a lot of details other than she started having trouble breathing yesterday and James took her to the ER. Last night they sent her home from the hospital, but this morning James discovered her unresponsive and called 911 but the EMTs were not able to resuscitate her.

We are very saddened and now must think about supporting James in his time of need. Thankfully because of all of you, for the time being we have the resources to help keep his life on track.
We have been so blessed by the generosity of everyone who contributed and we hope that we can continue on and reach our goal so that James can move on and try to heal. Thanks again everyone.